Anything Goes : Industry professional? by Kelvin Owens

Kelvin Owens

Industry professional?

Hi all my name is kelvin owens, I have a few projects in the works but I recently stumbled across a great opportunity. Nbc/universal has a program that focuses on emerging writers. If excepted into the program you get a year fellow ship with Nbc/universal, I have almost all the things needed to enter but they need you to have two letters of recommendation from industry professionals. Which is odd since the program is for new writers but who am I to judge. Was wondering if there are two of you out there willing to write one up for me? Also spreading the word just in case any of you our there want to enter.

Ami Brown

An industry professional could be a professor of English (or Screenwriting course you took), or anyone PAID to work in the industry. Do you know ANY paid directors, producers, crew members, editors or anyone you have worked with in the past? Even if they are not famous they just have to have a paid job. Even a writer you might know personally through a community group. It should be someone that can truthfully comment on your abilities, ambition, drive, skills and talent. (not a stranger)

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