Introduce Yourself : Hello by Danny Souris

Danny Souris


The name is Dan! Hahahah How are all of you? I am new to S 32 and just wanting to say hey and have some fun sharing many talented things. There is so many talented people in the World but not everybody understands us or our personalities and how we LOVE TO CREATE or MAKE OTHERS LAUGH or whatever it is we are so special doing. How can I get to your hearts? Dan

Danny Souris

I am trying tyo learn this site ok. I see people comment but I do not see it here? It comes to my email?

Danny Souris

Will someone please help me so I can converse here ?

Danny Souris

Tom Hanks in CASTAWAY >>>>>>>> ANYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laura Dulin

Just letting you know you're not alone. However, I'm new on here too, so I can't help the glitch.

Amanda Toney

Hey Dan! First of welcome to Stage 32! I recommend you read through the Help section. It will tell you how everything in the site works. You can find that here: Also, a great resource for you to watch is On Stage with RB. RB, our CEO and founder, goes over exactly how the site works and the best ways to network on here. Every On Stage with RB is free and actually very entertaining to watch. You can find them under Education on the menu bar. Here is the link to the most recent: Hopefully this helps you out!

Helen Downs

Hi Danny - Me new too... not know tech... but saying hi :)

Danny Souris

Hang in there Laura and Helen we will CONQUER Hahahahahah

Danny Souris

I hope you do not mind but I sent you both requests

Danny Souris

Hello Helen I see you are a Music Composer COOL BEANS I dig that

Helen Downs

Bit of this, bit of that Danny :)

Danny Souris

Same here I enjoy being creative in life. It is something I can say came from my soul My heart How can that be a mistake

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