Introduce Yourself : Moving To The Foreground by Lianne K. Coleman

Moving To The Foreground

Hello Everyone, I'm Lianne from NYC. Although I have a BA in Theater from decades ago, I ended up on a different career path. I have decided to go back to my first love, acting and would prefer working in films and TV. I've worked on a few indie films and a student project, but I am really looking to build up my resume with paid or even unpaid work if it's a good role. Although I've done extra work to pay the bills and continue to take classes and workshops, there seems to be more non union work in short films etc. and I'm SAG/AFTRA. I went to a career consultation recently, they want me to do a career development program, but I got the feeling that they were just trying to sell me a lot of classes. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Amanda Toney

Great to have you in the community Lianne. Best wishes to you!

Lianne K. Coleman

Many thanks, Shannon. Happy to have you on board as well.

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