Introduce Yourself : C. Renee Tyler - Composer by C. Renee Tyler

C. Renee Tyler

C. Renee Tyler - Composer

Hi. I am brand new to stage32 and look forward to communicating with others in the industry. I am a composer who is looking to do more soundtracks. I specialize in electronic music blended with traditional instrumentation and like working on short films, art films, documentaries, animations, and such. I hope to make some connections in this regard and get busier making art music with a purpose.

Amanda Toney

Great to have you in the community! There's actually an awesome webinar coming up hosted by composer Christopher Lennertz. You should definitely check it out! You can find it on a banner on your home page or under Next level Webinars in Education. Anyway, I hope you make connections here on Stage 32 and find opportunities that will change your life :)

C. Renee Tyler

Thanks for the welcome! I will check out the seminars.

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