Introduce Yourself : Inspiration.... by Brenda Hovis Fisher

Brenda Hovis Fisher


Hello, I am a Talent Manager looking to network and and help others reach their goals. Looking for those inspiring moments that keep us all loving what we do.

Shawn Speake

Word! Welcome aboard, Brenda. What kind of talent are you looking for?

Bill Toscano

Hi Brenda, I'm a Director-Writer-Actor, A DirWriterActor. I'm looking for a Talent Manager to help me keep it all going while focusing on one aspect or the other. So you work with... hybrids in NYC?

Bill Toscano

Ah, I see you're in LA - any divisions or branches in NYC?

Brenda Hovis Fisher

Yes, I am in LA and we specialize in kids management but we do have several adults too. We keep our adults to one type in an age make sure that usually we are just submitting one adult rather than several for a project. I am not as connected in NY, but I would like to be someday.

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