Screenwriting : TV Movie format by Kathryn Kyker

Kathryn Kyker

TV Movie format

Hello all, Hoping you can help me with a basic format question. I have a feature length script that I want to submit to a call for TV movie scripts. I have written spec TV scripts and pilots -- is a TV movie a similar format? Is there an expected page count and are Act Outs included, if so, how many generally? I know it probably all depends, but I'd appreciate your advice. Thanks, Kathryn

Shelley Stuart

Very cool -- would you mind sharing the call information? If you're talking US-based format: This comes from the cobwebs of a seminar long ago... for a TV movie, you want to follow TV format. Have buttons on your acts, acts of about 10ish pages long, use a teaser. But also of importance is to have a really strong hook for the top of the hour. You have a lot of competition at that moment for people to keep watching your stuff, or turn the channel to the next show starting then. I would think that length should be around 90-100 pages to allow for commercials. It's not necessarily easy to take a feature film and turn it into a TV movie because of the act break pacing. Good luck!

Kathryn Kyker

Thanks so much. Unfortunately I can't share the call info as part of the subscription agreement - I will say it's through Inktip. Your advice was very helpful, appreciate it.

Shelley Stuart

Ah! Yes, I saw that. Good luck!

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