Introduce Yourself : New composer in the house by Ian Francis Smith

Ian Francis Smith

New composer in the house

Greetings Earthlings, just signed up. Cool site and great resource. I'm a film composer, sound designer and rock musician. Looking to get on board some cool projects, sci fi, horror, suspense being my preferred content. Willing to offer use of my music library in exchange for credit on low/no budget projects. Looking for paid work for scoring. Check me out and please add me/connect. Also do headshots on the side. Based in LA -Ian

Jack Ritter

Welcome to the community! I might be needing a composer soon. I'll definitely think of you when the time comes.

Ian Francis Smith

Thanks Jack! Sounds good

Samuel Estes

Welcome to the composing community Ian! Always great to have new members aboard! You music is definitely unique and pretty fascinating! And I really enjoyed listening to your musical sound design!

Ian Francis Smith

Thanks Samuel! Nice to meet you. You have a link I can check out your stuff? I still haven't figured out how to access people's links from their profile page.

Samuel Estes

Should work if you click on my profile and look at audio/video links. Should be a sound cloud link there. Let me know if it doesn't show up. Thanks!

Ian Francis Smith

Ahhhh, I figured out the drop down menu w links. I was really confused, didn't see it on my phone. Yes your stuff is awesome. I listened to some, need to go back. You ever use convolution reverb in able ton?

Samuel Estes

Don't use ableton much - on cubase and protools. In general not a big fan of Convolution Reverbs, altiverb is fine, but I prefer synthetic verbs.

Ian Francis Smith

I just started experimenting w the convolution. It has interesting potential. I primarily use presonus studio one as my daw. But ableton inspires me sometimes in different ways. More manual manipulation of fx. The timeline blows for editing though. I have altiverb on my Mac but haven't really used it. I tend to use the proprietary reverbs and delays in studio one. I bought a used Mac a few years ago where the owner left me all his software. Too many plug ins to count or ever really explore. What's a good synthetic reverb I should check out?

Samuel Estes

Be careful with those "preloaded" macs. Almost all software is sold as a license and does not transfer ownership of the license with physical sales. To legally use any of the software on that Mac you would have to contact the original seller and ask for a license transfer of any of the software you want to use, both plugins and sampler based instruments. That being said, just posted in this forum a couple of weeks ago some synthetic reverb plugins I came across. Valhalla reverb and E OS from audio damage are both only $50 and not half bad. I really like c2audio reverbs too. If you want to go crazy look at lexicon and IRCAM verbs. best, sam

Cole Jenkins


Frenchy Gloder

I no earthling, I from Centurion 29110!

Ian Francis Smith

Then welcome Frenchy! Thanks Sam I'm going to check those out.

Ian Francis Smith

Cheers Cole!

Frenchy Gloder

Hello, one and all ;-)

LindaAnn Loschiavo

Earth to Ian -- hello and welcome!

Ian Francis Smith

Hey LindaAnn!

Chris Boardman

Nice to see you here Ian.

Ian Francis Smith

Hey Chris. Likewise!

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