Introduce Yourself : Because of Stage 32 by Bobbie Blodgett

Bobbie Blodgett

Because of Stage 32

Through this awesome Stage 32 web site, I have connected with an amazing woman, Vinanti Sarkar. I was inspired to do this with my Blog- please read: Bobbie Speaking: The Women and Girls of Kenya: Part 1

Shedrick Cortez-Stokes

Thanks Bobbie, I enjoyed your Blog.

Bobbie Blodgett

The Women and girls of Kenya: Part 2

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

I really enjoyed this, thank you!

Bobbie Blodgett

The Women and Girls of Kenya: Part 3

Richard "RB" Botto

Just awesome, Bobbie.

Bobbie Blodgett

The Women and Girls of Kenya: Part 4

Bobbie Blodgett

The Women and Girls of Kenya: Part 5 … … …

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