Hello, I will probably take an Acting for Film One Year Conservatory Programme in the New York Film Academy next year. I am looking for opinions about the academy, or information about the best schools to take acting classes in NY. Thank you, I wish an amazing succes to everyone!
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I can't speak for the acting program, nor can I attest to the NY school, but I've done some films for the NY Film Academy branch here in LA, and overall the experience has been good. The students I've worked with were really ambitious and carried themselves professionally, so I feel that it might be a good fit.
Thank you, William. I have heard a lot about the fast and productive way the Academy teaches, I think they make sure students are really interested in develop their talent. I think it'll be an amazing adventure!
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My advice would be to take classes like at HB studios. I have not found te NY Film Academy to be impressive. I think I know what I am talking about and you can look me up at DerynWarren.com as I teach successful professional actors.
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Agree with Deryn. NY Film Academy does not enjoy a great reputation among professional actors. Have heard many comments about internal disorganization and students' dissatisfaction with the acting program. You really would be better off at HB Studios, or a similar acting studio. There are a number of smaller studios run by individual teachers in NYC who offer very high quality training that will look better on your resume. Hopefully, you'll get comments from acting students who have actually enrolled in the program. In any case, good luck!
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Aida, your point is excellent about what will look good on the resume. With NY Film Academy versus HB studios there is not a contest. Gonzalo if you are in LA look me up as I teach a successful class for professional actors only. Go to DerynWarren.com and you should read my book too called HOW TO MAKE YOUR AUDIENCE FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU, recommended by Harvard and UCLA and the head of casting of HBO said, "I wish every actor who auditioned for me had read this book first." Actors who read are way ahead! I can also give you some other ideas if you will be in LA and are a beginner. Deryn
Thank you all! I find amazing this discussion, I am actually researching about NYC schools, so I will consider all your opinions