Financing / Crowdfunding : Obligatory crowdfunding thread for Compound Fiasco Productions' first animated short! by Luke Sheehan

Luke Sheehan

Obligatory crowdfunding thread for Compound Fiasco Productions' first animated short!

Hey guys, Luke's the name and raising funds for projects is... well, my game for now I suppose. coughs Anyway. Have started work on my production company's first animated short and we're looking for people to invest in it. It is a sci-fi dystopian short, set in a shanty town a few years after a major plague epidemic. A modernised plague doctor is sent out to make a house-call to a family home, with some disastrous results. I'll spare you the "we're an independent production company, and paying everyone is sooo expensive" spiel. You're heard it all before, I'm sure. But we do need a bit of cash nonetheless. Most of it will go to paying cast and crew, the animator, and having the script edited so it's the best it can be. Anything leftover will go into sending the flick on the festival circuit, a rainy-day money-hose in case anything goes wrong, and y'know, beers at the wrap party. All of the details are over at, complete with a video containing some concept art the animator's worked on, and the obligatory crowdfunding perks. So check it out, and if you like the thing that we're doing? chuck us a couple of bucks. As for myself/the company. I've been in the biz for five years now, mostly working on short films, web content and music videos. "Compound Fiasco" is the name I tend to operate under/slap onto anything I create Most of my body of work can be found at if you want to take a look at what I've done in the past. If you made it this far, thanks for at least hearing me out. Ha ha...

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