Anything Goes : Anyone on Twitter? by Patrick


Anyone on Twitter?

I do most of my "brand" or business interaction on Twitter - but I am trying to combine it with Stage32 because I think they can complement each other. If you are one of the 98 people who have submitted a Network Request to me or are planning to, please "Follow" me on Twitter @plockerman first. I can't "direct message" you here and Twitter is my "Hub" for the most part (unless Stage32 starts doing a better job at it) and I can better connect with you initially there. So go follow me on Twitter (@plockerman) and of course I will do the same and add you here as well. Thanks, Have an awesome day!

Richard "RB" Botto

Hey Patrick. You can find me at Also run our main account @stage32online


Yeah, I thought I was already following you on Twitter. I am trying to mix the two so that all my Twitter people are here and S32 people are there. Then eventually do mostly industry interactions here. Thanks RB!

Jen Govey

Hi I'm I just added you to my Stage 32 twitter list. Twitter lists are great for collating like-minds. :)

Richard "RB" Botto

For sure, Patrick. And thank you, Jen!

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