Introduce Yourself : Screen Writer/Author/ Communications Consultant by Huw Merlin

Huw Merlin

Screen Writer/Author/ Communications Consultant

Hi, I'm Huw, a few of my novels and a lot of my short stories have been published. I've always had a love of movies and written scripts and so, with one of my novels being called "more like a script than a novel" figured I'm in the wrong business. My scripts have been universally praised by readers, with various comments like "Unique, Had me in tears, I want more, A masterpiece, (That was an actual comment)" What I've discovered is, no matter how good your work is, if you don't have rep, agent etc, you're dead in the water. (People think they can pilfer your work.) So, here I am, hoping to meet like minded people and sooner more than later, find that key, that opens doors.

Dawn Gonchar

Welcome to Stage 32 Huw! I would recommend checking out the Happy Writers section of this site, as well as the screenwriting group. They also offer lots of very informative webinars under Education. Best of luck to you - and keep trying!

Darrell Laurant

Hi! I'm a long-time journalist who has now morphed into a novelist. My first, "The Kudzu Kid," came out in October and is now on Amazon. I've always been one of those people who watched movies analytically. and I have a plot for my next book that I honestly think would make a credible film -- a unique story line in many ways, tied to real events; several recurring subplots, two strong female characters, and a setting in Key West. But I have no clue to proceed, other than having been advised to write and publish the book before attempting a screenplay. Anyway, I'm a babe in the woods here, and I'm all ears (or eyes).

Huw Merlin

I don't know that it's necessary to right a novel first. Unless that's what you really want to do. But I warn you, the moment the word unique is used in conjunction with anything in Hollywood even registering it won't stop the talentless vultures swarming on it and stealing ideas. So, that being said, don't show it without an agent or entertainment lawyer fronting for you. As for writing, that's simple, do a plan (synopsis) then start writing. The synopsis will come in handy when you are trying to sell it, even if you don't think you need one to write it. You'd do the same with a novel, a plus in having the novel in the market, is additional protection. But it still won't stop the vultures, if the ideas are truly unique.

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