Introduce Yourself : Actor/Writer/Producer by Mark DeAngelis

Mark DeAngelis


I am writing/producing an independent film called Crashing Camelot about friendship and coming of age on Cape Cod during the magical summer of 1974. It's a Kennedy story told from a way different point of view and it was inspired by William Noonan's 2006 New York Times bestseller, Forever Young, My Friendship with John F. Kennedy, Jr. My writing partner/director is John Stimpson. We hope to film in Massachusetts this Spring and we're looking for all the help we can get.

David H Renegar

Sounds like a fascinating film project!!!

Beth Perry

Your project sounds very intriguing.

Richard "RB" Botto

I agree...Sounds extremely interesting, Mark.

Mark DeAngelis

It's been nothing but fun so far!

Elijah Fritchman

Sounds great! If your in need of a teen actor please look me up! Thanks!

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