Introduce Yourself : Hi My Name is ELijah Fritchman by Elijah Fritchman

Elijah Fritchman

Hi My Name is ELijah Fritchman

Hi! I am 16 and have been actively training and acting in NYC steady for the last 2 years. I have done several short films and many national commercials along with voice overs. My dream is to land a role in a big film or TV series. I have been hard at work and come close ! My second passion is guitar. I go to a performing arts high school for classical guitar and have been playing electric since I was 7 years old. Please feel free to view my acting and guitar playing video here on Stage 32 and visit my IMDB page Thank you so much, Elijah

Jason Stuart

my role too and im 198 lol

Richard "RB" Botto

Great post, Elijah! Dig your passion!

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