Hello All! Just a quick note to introduce myself: I'm a publishing consultant and voiceover actor based in NYC. I'm looking to connect with other voiceover artists (as well as story editors) who'd be willing to share their professional experiences. I've recorded a few demos, if you're interested, at my voiceover website: http://kalivecchia.wix.com/avoiceofherown (I'll be launching an improved one in the New Year.). Feel free to connect with me via Stage 32 or at http://www.eatsleepbooks.com. Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving! ~Karen
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Awesome to have you and your talents here on 32, Karen!
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Thanks very much, RB…love the S/32 site and look forward to connecting with other talented folks. In the meantime, wishing you and your staff a Happy Thanksgiving. -K
Thank you, Karen. And same to you...Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!