Introduce Yourself : Marketing and PR with three pronged focus; Crowdfunding - Live Entertainment - Travel by CJ Connell

CJ Connell

Marketing and PR with three pronged focus; Crowdfunding - Live Entertainment - Travel

Does anyone have experiences on Crowdfunding that they would be interested in sharing with me? I'm looking for case studies to write about and use as examples with my clients. I work with donation based campaigns and also USA based equity offerings under Reg. D utilizing the advantages of the new law known as the 'The JOBS Act of 2012' and the benefits of 506(c) in Title II. I am working on several film projects and have a strong interest in live performances. There is a video on my profile page of a San Francisco based female Led Zeppelin cover band that I filmed when I first started out learning video and audio. If you like Led Zeppelin music you might enjoy the performance os these ladies. Circa 2008 I just joined this group yesterday and look forward to meeting and working with you folks.

Richard Finney

Welcome to everyone joining Stage 32. And hello again to members who have been here awhile. I'm a producer, screenwriter and novelist with a dozen film/TV movie credits, and a member of the WGA. I love this business, and most of the time it has loved me back. When things go right... yes, some of your personal dreams do get satisfied. But of course, when things go wrong... there are nightmares. Hope all your networking on Stage 32 goes well!

Amanda Toney

Great to have you in the community, CJ! There is actually a fundraising lounge and that will be a perfect place to get your crowd funding questions answered. Here's another great article that you could possibly incorporate into your research: Best of luck as you continue with your projects :)

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