Anything Goes : My reaction to the new Star Wars trailer: by Daniel James Pike

Daniel James Pike

My reaction to the new Star Wars trailer:

Oh Gosh. Where do I begin? Perhaps with this vine post of mine: As you can see, I'm super excited. However, in trying to share my excitement with others, in turn I've been witnessed to skeptical backlash. While talking to a few of my friends about how they felt about JJ Abrams's take on ST:VII, a lot of them had a great deal of criticism and snappy remarks. "Looks too flashy" one friend said. "That lightsabre is dumb" said another. "Why do they have a black stormtrooper?" said the third. Have we become so cynical towards these franchises that nothing impresses us anymore? Why not a black stormtrooper? This isn't the 70s anymore! I for one am super excited. Watching this rekindled my childhood. My heart beat wildly as the X-Wings raced across the water... and I mean, come on... THE MILLENIUM FALCON! Seeing that piece of junk barrel roll across the sky as Tie Fighters shoot relentlessly sent shivers down my spine. This is the kind of stuff I've been waiting for. I have great confidence in this film. It has a lot going for it. I refuse to give in to cynicism and negativity. I don't care if my friends declare that I have "no taste" or I'm "just a fanboy." Rightly so I'm a fanboy. This is one of the greatest movie franchises of all time that continues to inspire the hearts and minds of every generation. May the force be with you!~

My reaction to the new Star Wars Trailer! #StarWars #StarWarsTheForceAwakens #starwarsepisode7 #Excited #MindBlown #Explosion #film #movies
My reaction to the new Star Wars Trailer! #StarWars #StarWarsTheForceAwakens #starwarsepisode7 #Excited #MindBlown #Explosion #film #movies
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Bradley Scott

I agree with you, man. I grew up on Star Wars, when I saw the millennium falcon pop up I got goose bumps. I think people want to be skeptical to just be skeptical. Misery loves company, but I'm with you, man, I believe it in and I can't wait to see it.

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