Hey! I´m about to submit my first written pitch (4 day to go yay! ) and I have a question. A written pitch and a One -sheet are the same? I think writting a pitch is harder than saying it because you lost all the vibes and feelings you can transmit with your voice and your gestures. Do you have any tips or advices for writting a good one? Thanks!
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I think it's easier, I'm a writer not an actor.
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There are some good templates in Michael Hague's "Selling Your Story in Sixty Seconds."
Thanks everybody for answering, I´ll follow your tips.
I have another question. What if your story doesn´t fit anything you have seen before? I mean, I have taken concepts from other movies and TV shows for writing this story but, I can´t find any concrete movie to compare with.
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Hey! I finally did it. It was cool. I didn´t sell it but I felt good doing it. Also, I don´t know why I write down what I had to say if I forget all the word in the first second. The next time will be better.