What she said. Also check out Tugg, VHX, and similar sites. Best thing I heard someone say is that DIY distribution doesn't mean you have to do it all yourself, but that you retain 100% of the rights and the control. You should still seek out valuable partnerships that can help your film get out there.
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Hey Johnny, you should look into our Indie Film Producing 101 webinar coming up. The host will go over distribution and marketing options.
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What she said. Also check out Tugg, VHX, and similar sites. Best thing I heard someone say is that DIY distribution doesn't mean you have to do it all yourself, but that you retain 100% of the rights and the control. You should still seek out valuable partnerships that can help your film get out there.
It's called "four walling"... but some times you don't even need the four walls... Here are some webiste that help you Self Distribute your film project. https://www.tugg.com/ http://gathr.us/ https://www.createspace.com https://www.flickrocket.com https://vimeo.com/ondemand https://www.apple.com/itunes/working-itunes/sell-content/movie-faq.html https://bundles.bittorrent.com/ http://www.distribber.com/ http://www.thefilmcollaborative.org/blog/tag/self-distribution/ Here are some good articles on how-to Self Distribute your movie. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_wall_distribution http://www.raindance.org/7-deadly-sins-of-self-distribution/ http://www.moviemaker.com/archives/articles/trailblazer-tuesday-four-cin... http://www.steves-digicams.com/knowledge-center/how-tos/film-and-video-p... http://filmmakermagazine.com/86699-nine-lessons-for-self-distributing-fi... http://www.lavideofilmmaker.com/filmmaking/independent-film-distribution...