Introduce Yourself : Stories with strong female leads by Jack Wibbe

Jack Wibbe

Stories with strong female leads

Greetings from the East, Here’s a referral for the best screenwriter working today, with eleven stories ready to be told: well-written, original, cheap to shoot, and all starring strong female leads and female voices. The writer has six Jewish Holocaust orphans who take over a German refugee camp in 1945 and use their own striking methods to help the other refugees to heal, grow, and even fall in love. The writer has brought America’s first real-life action hero to life, a young girl from a century ago who began as an insanely reckless reporter, facing death many times, and ended up as the most famous woman in America, complete with action figures and merchandising. This one could turn a gigantic profit. The writer has a drunken housewife who runs an underground railroad for abused and runaway women, until her own husband sends a detective to hunt her down: can she persuade the detective not to give her away? The script has already won recognition onstage both for writing and for the actress who played the lead: one audience member found it too intense to sit through. The writer has a gay bartender who decides to torment a bigoted southern town in the 1920s by opening a gay speakeasy in the town, bringing in gays from across the south, and then moving the bar around so the locals can’t find it. The writer has a romantic but out-of-control cabdriver who exploits a legal loophole to build the elopement capital of America. The writer has a teenage girl who takes to the streets of New York to prove her mobster uncle is innocent in a shooting. You can read the scripts for four, and descriptions of the rest, at our growing website, . Come visit, and fall in love with Julia Hunter, and Nellie Bly, and Grady and Ivy, and Anelie and Salomea, and Hackie and Penny, and little Marie di Natale. The writer is me, of course. I’m a theater director branching out.

Caitlin Burt

Thank you for writing strong female lead stories! I'll be following you.

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