Introduce Yourself : Hello there, all by George Hopkin

George Hopkin

Hello there, all

Brand new to Stage32, so taking this much appreciated opportunity to allow myself to introduce...myself. I'm a UK-based writer, looking to network with like-minded film folk near and far. Here's me on IMDB: but keep in mind that doesn't include some of the other shorts I've written and had produced. I'd particularly like to meet with UK-based bods who might like to compare notes/what-have-you in person and other people around the world who might like to simply share info, links and suchlike.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi George - welcome to Stage 32. You can easily add all your credits in your profile under About section. Nice part about that, if somebody searches your name, they'll be able to see how many projects you were a part of. By the way, there are thousands of UK-based bods around, here are some members from Nottingham alone:

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