Introduce Yourself : Greetings from Portland by Jason de Parrie-Turner

Jason de Parrie-Turner

Greetings from Portland

Hello All. I'm re-introducing myself. I've been a member for a year & I'd like to get more active in the coming year. I've got many irons in the fire from documentaries, to reality shows, to scriptwriting & commercials. I look forward to connecting, networking & even just chatting about all things film. I'm a regular contributor to #filmcurious , a bi-weekly chat on twitter sponsored by Seed&Spark. (RB has been a guest & I highly suggest checking it out) I would like to find a similar community here. So I invite you to connect. Cheers Jason

Dara Taylor

Great having you here Jason! I'll be sure to check out your chat as well!

Becca-Chris M

Nice to meet you, Jason. Merry Christmas!

Jason de Parrie-Turner

Thanks so much for the warm welcome Dara, Joey & Becca. I'm looking forward to connecting with all of you. As I mentioned I've had a great experience on Twitter meeting Filmmakers & I believe there is even more support & promise here. Happy Holidays to you all (& Dara I'll watch for you over at #filmcurious, next chat is Tuesday 23rd at 2pmEST) Cheers, Jason

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