Introduce Yourself : Talent working against the odds by Seth Wayne

Talent working against the odds

Excited to meet all of you! Here's my story....After leaving college for a stint in professional summer stock, real life took hold and the focus veered toward supporting others through corporate America. The passion for theater would eventually power through, and for over 20 years I was immersed in regional theater, developing skill, and garnering a couple of awards along the way (my mini-Tony's). You reach a point where you know you gotta steer the ship or jump onto a new one, and three years ago I boarded the ship of film/Television, eventually abandoning the corporate world a year ago. As I build my network and work with other talented actors, playing next to them, learning from them, and seeing where I fit in, I've come to realize that the greatest asset a person can have next to talent is confidence. For me, built in many ways more for Acting than anything I've endeavored in the past.

Antonio Ingram

Well said Seth. I 100% agree that talent and confidence should be hand and hand. I wish you all the best of luck, sir.

Seth Wayne

The "interesting" thing about it for me, Antonio, is the level of confidence I now have (didn't always have it) in this arena vs the best I could muster as a middle manager in the corporate world. My father helped me with some tools to survive, but he didn't know how to teach confidence, and self doubt was always underlying at work.

Antonio Ingram

Me too, Seth. Since I was a child, I never had that confidence and was trying to figure out what my talent was. My father had all the confidence in the world because he was this All-American who had a chance at the MLB but got hurt. He just assumed I would have confidence because of who he was. I'm sure you know how that goes. Once I realized my talent, that hidden confidence was unleashed. Thank you very much for sharing, Seth.

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