Acting : Los Angeles by Xan Aspero

Xan Aspero

Los Angeles

What is the best way to get noticed and make a name out in Los Angeles? Is it social networking, taking the bull by the horns and going out there? Can you get a project while here that would take you out west to LA? I am trying to make a name for myself but my heart is set on film and TV. I've been at it for a 16 months out here and I just have the urge to go, I'm trying to be careful though.

Thomas L Hendricks

I would suggest networking and knowing someone before you go out. A mentor out there would be great if you can find one. I would say having connection is probably 80% of your jobs--of course audition audition audition--that way they get to know your face and voice. Be prepared to start a flexible job to supply your basic needs--rent food etc. and then go for your acting. Do extra work too.

Xan Aspero

Thank you Thomas. What is a mentor? Is it an acting coach? Could it be a matter of sending and emailing letters and photos? I am just getting by out here and I've heard so many head out there with dreams and goals despite the money. It's like I want to be one of them but something is holding me back.

Bill Perron

Even if you bomb, fail miserably, have your dreams crushed, etc. the weather is still fantastic. In the winter, L.A. never has snow, ever.

Josh Mitchell

You could always hire the best publicist -

Gameela Wright

Unlike New York, it is very hard to get seen for projects without representation. So you want to try to get that as completed as possible. If you are a talented actor, with good representation, you can work. Not that it's easy of course. But it's possible. I am in NY and there's enough work here that I don't feel the need to go to LA, though I am absolutely willing. Make sure before you do anything, that you have a good, strong online presence so that people can find and look at your work.

Shaune Bordere

We would like to invite you to consider our major WWII biopic on an American journalist. Visit for details on the history of the film and connect with us to discover more about the film.

Didi Tillson

Hi Xan: Sometimes they say, "Being in the right place at the right time." .. Another saying; "It's not what you know, but who you know." And, all the above are on target! The difference with me (and I speak for myself) "I have learned to stay focus and pray asking God to put in my life, those who are supposed to be here for "ALL THE RIGHT REASONS" (name them) I have also learned that, "It's not what YOU/I want but it is what GOD wants for you/I. Continue doing what you are doing if you feel strongly about the manner in which you are doing what you are doing, LET GO...and before you realize it, WHAT YOU ASK WILL BE...IN YOUR FACE. Be ready! I know that I am. Peace & Blessings,

Mercedez Rushell Lasiter

Look up Amy Jo Berman. She is the gal!

Edith Woi

My friend is one of Hollywood's best acting coaches. Just happens he and his partner coming to London for a workshop in April. I can send you more info if you or anyone you know is interested. I think I could get you a discount as well. They are about results and are unlike any other coaches touring the UK. Let me know! ooh...if you have any questions, I could email him as well and get back to you. They work with ANY level of experience to show you how to get cast.

Xan Aspero

Edith, Thank you so much for your offer. I would really appreciate your assistance with that person. I am really eager to move on, expand my talents, and get out there any way I can. Please let me know what you need and I will be happy to help.

Edith Woi

Xan...stick it out. I am going to send you a messgae with my personal email address. I know Jeff can help you get the next break! I think honestly his trackrecord is getting over 90% cast! He and his partner damn good and helped Kirsten Dunst and lst of other celebrities BEFORE they were famous make it.

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