I've been waiting 17 days to get access to the "A Line Producer's Guide to Making a Movie in 10 Steps" class, they keep punting me out in giving me access. I dread asking for a refund because I got the class for $39 (sweet spot) on sale, and is now $59! A bunch of back and forth emails and Stage 32 still can't find it in their ability to credit me access. I've not purchased any other classes, as this does not win any confidence... Anyone else with this issue?
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Hey Scott, this was an unfortunate, rare issue with email authority access due to multiple accounts. We pride ourselves in offering exceptional education and try our best to offer incredible customer service, and my deepest apologies that this was not the case for you. I have emailed you privately, and have a solution for you if you ever do want to purchase other classes or webinars. I personally handle all of the education, and I am deeply sorry that you had such a hard time with this webinar - I really appreciate your patience through us sorting out this tech issue.
Thank you and for the email! Looking forward to gaining access :D