Stage 32 Meetups : Nyc by Liam Lacy

Liam Lacy


Hi Guys, I'm a writer/director from Melbourne, Australia and I'm in NYC for 6 weeks in April/May 2015. I'm looking for people to collaborate with on a short film during that time so if you're interested, let me know :).

Amanda Toney

Hey Liam, I moved this over to the meetup section, as that's where members go to meet up and collaborate. Best of luck in NYC! :)

Liam Lacy

Thanks Shannon!

Alyson Gayle

Hi Liam! I am very much happy to listen, give feedback or really just explore ideas in NYC during your visit.

Mark Burchard

Hey Liam! I'm interested but I like to read the script before I say yes to anything. Its a habit that's served me well. Send it, if you want, to: Thank You!

Chris Hackett

Likewise would like to read the script if there isn't a script I'd definitely be game to working on a story.

Jeff Constine

If you need a Stunt Coordinator/Stunt Rigger look me up. SAG AFTRA Union only.

Kunal Kumar

I would love to help out, send me more info

Liam Lacy

Hi everyone, thanks a lot for your interest. I have a couple of short film scripts I'm considering for the project. Just to gauge the interest, can whoever is keen to be involved please email me at and I'll reply with the scripts and a bit about myself and the project I'm wanting to complete. Thanks!

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