Financing / Crowdfunding : Wait wait dont kill me! by Jazmin Young

Jazmin Young

Wait wait dont kill me!

Get ready to be apart of the biggest horror/comedy since Shaun of the Dead! We present the Indiegogo campaign for Wait Wait Don't Kill Me. An unknown virus spreads in a poor neighborhood. When the military is brought in to contain the situation, but realize they can't come up with a vaccine quickly enough, they fence off the area and let everyone die. PLEASE support by either donating or liking the facebook page! Thanks xoxo

Wait, Wait, Don't Kill Me
Wait, Wait, Don't Kill Me
"Your government loves you... Especially when you're dead" | Check out 'Wait, Wait, Don't Kill Me' on Indiegogo.
Joseph Chastain

Saying it's the "biggest horror/comedy since Shaun of the Dead" could REALLY work against you.

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