We would love for you to consider having your movie on our platform. Please use the link below to submit your content and create an account if you're still interested. By creating an account, you can also sign in and submit content at any time you like for us to approve. Please provide a Dropbox or wetransfer link to the data file to your content. Also send the artwork that goes for each project you submit. https://cheapflickstv.com/submissions
Hi, Brian. Please message me. I have some contact info for you concerning this and your TV pilot.
I just launched a Roku channel if you are interested...
We would love for you to consider having your movie on our platform. Please use the link below to submit your content and create an account if you're still interested. By creating an account, you can also sign in and submit content at any time you like for us to approve. Please provide a Dropbox or wetransfer link to the data file to your content. Also send the artwork that goes for each project you submit. https://cheapflickstv.com/submissions