Introduce Yourself : Hello from a couple of Aspiring Screenwriters/Filmmakers from New Jersey living in Arizona! by Rodriguez Team

Rodriguez Team

Hello from a couple of Aspiring Screenwriters/Filmmakers from New Jersey living in Arizona!

Hi, Stage32 Community! My wife and I recently moved from New Jersey to Arizona. We're aspiring screenwriters/filmmakers. We started learning and writing screenplays around 5 years ago. We have participated in various contests as we learn the craft. At the same time we have self-published 3 ebooks in Amazon, 2 in Spanish and one in English (short stories, Raging Cupid, Cupido Furioso and Genesis de una Historia). Today we have 8 completed full-length screenplays and more than 10 short scripts. We are currently working on 22 more. Many of our short scripts we have made them into no-budget shorts just to learn how to do it. Hopefully in the near future we can share our stories by selling or optioning the scripts and see our voice find a bigger audience.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi guys! Glad to have you both on here. 22 screenplays in the works. Talk about dynamic duo. You've been here a while, so I'm guessing there's no point of mentioning Happy Writers section of the website as you both probably took part in pitchfests and pitch sessions already. :) Keep at it guys.

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