Introduce Yourself : Hello by Marc Sigoloff

Marc Sigoloff


I'm a screenwriter living in Springfield, Illinois. I'm not having much luck, so it looks like I will have to do it myself. I just finished writing the screenplay for one I plan to direct here in Springfield. The subject matter is pretty shocking, but how else can an indie get attention? If funding comes through, which is very possible, I plan to use this great site for hiring cast and crew.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Marc, I've seen a lot of people from Illinois join this weekend- make sure you search for people that are local to you so you can collaborate :)

Richard "RB" Botto

Definitely have the right approach, Mark. Control what you can control.

Marc Sigoloff

Julie, I regularly send out network requests for members in Illinois, and I have also searched the site. I plan to do more of that.

Marc Sigoloff

Richard, thank you for the encouragement. This movie will be a doozey.

Adrienne Baranowski

Hi Nadia, Congrats on all your successes. I love Sci Fi also. I love to write thrillers. I know they are first cousins to horror films.

Kathy Jean

Hi, Marc, I'm cheering you on and looking forward to developments.

Marc Sigoloff

My link to the money has been busy. I hope to meet with him soon to discuss the proposal I wrote.

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