Filmmaking / Directing : Action!! Cut! Back to one. by Marc Turner

Marc Turner

Action!! Cut! Back to one.

Action!! Cut! Back to one. I just wanted to say that. I need to get together with other filmakers and make some films or shorts or YouTube videos. Let's do it! Any thoughts on getting together and shooting a project. Does anyone have some footage I can edit? I need my fix man, my filmakers fix. Anyone in LA want to start a live group meeting or club?

Tony Mendoza

That's funny you're bringing that up. I've got the same bug. I shot a buddies book trailer. Low cost, low impact lots of fun. I don't know where you are in the world but I'm in Vegas. If you ever get out here I'd like to to get together.

Marc Turner

I live in Burbank, California but I'd jump at the chance to shoot again in Vegas. Maybe we could brainstorm some ideas and when we've got one then we could try to get the project rolling.

Michael Cazier

Count me in!

Rick James

I'm in Colorado, but if I could, I would.

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