Acting : Inspiration by Michael Curtis

Michael Curtis


About six months ago, perhaps seven, my life started falling apart. I lost my job. I got in two car accidents, both of which totaled my car, and both within two months. I hadn't been finding much acting work either. I felt down in the dumps. I felt like I would never achieve anything. However, lately I have been feeling super motivated. I have been feeling like I can really do it. I can really reach my goals and achieve my dreams. More and more lately that little voice in the back of my head has been telling me "You should talk about it on the website" I didn't think that it mattered all that much, but the voice kept bugging me. Today I decided to do so. I want to share it with all of you that no matter how far you fall you can always get back up. You can keep fighting. You can keep pushing. Keep your attitude alive, and keep your motivation close, and your supporters closer. You can all achieve your dreams. You can all reach your goals. Keep fighting the good fight people, and I'll see you all up there on the numerous screens and stages in the world. Good luck to you all and have a blast!

Richard "RB" Botto

Love. This. Post. Thanks for the inspirational boost, Michael. Keep that fire lit!

Amanda Toney

Love your attitude and positive energy Michael. Best of luck to you!

Michael Curtis

Thank you both, and the best of luck to you all.

Justen Overlander

We all have the choice of overcoming or being overcome by our circumstances. Sounds like you're choosing the former. Congrats! Keep at it!

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