On Writing : Seeking Christian Literary Agents for Representation by Ihekuna Chimezie Benedict

Ihekuna Chimezie Benedict

Seeking Christian Literary Agents for Representation

I, Ihekuna Chimezie Benedict, hereby seek for representation (in respect of the above-mentioned subject) for te following completed works: 1) Saved By His Grace-a play 2) Saved By His Grace-a play and a fiction story 3) God's Love Towards His People-short story collection 4) The Christian Matrix-Short story collection 5) 7 Mistakes Christians Make and the Benediction ("Last Days" prayers) for Christians-Non-fiction 6) What Should We Crave for in Life-non-fiction/inspirational/Christian Author Bio Mr.Ben, as he is fondly called by his peers, is poised to impact the undiluted truth of the word of God to humanity through what he terms "my God-given talent, writing. Though he has other works that relate to virtually all facets of life (as seen in his blog: www.mybookpublications.wordpress.com), his commitment towards the things of God and the church has been his propelling force to answer the Great commission-soul wining. Though, an aspiring author, Mr. Ben has earned himself a place in the following associations; International Association of Aspiring Authors, Association of Non-Fiction Authors, Christianwriters.com, TED.com and many other affiliates. Based in Lagos, Nigeria, he enjoys reading good books, listening to God's word and soul-lifting music and communicating positive thoughts, inspired by God through the Holy Spirit. If interested, feel free to contact me for further details. email:mrbenisreal@gmai.com. Your response will certainly be appreciated. Thank You.


Hi thekuna, You do not need a literary agent -go to createspace.com - create an account - it costs you nothing to have your books professionally published. Check out my profile to see photos of my books or do a search on Amazon.com for Jussta!

Ihekuna Chimezie Benedict

Where i come from, it's quite expensive...How is it been done, Jussta?

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