Post-Production : Music Video Director/Editor by Tony Cella

Tony Cella

Music Video Director/Editor

A few friends opined that my editing style fits music videos. I'm interested in becoming a director and/or editor because it would combine my passion for music, storytelling abilities and editing. How does an aspiring music video editor/director find their place in the profession? Examples of my work are on my page under videos.

LindaAnn Loschiavo

Hi, Tony in California. Suggestion: choose a pop song that does not yet have a video; make a video, post it on YouTube. Then tweet the link to the recording artist via Twitter. Your video will get lots of views and this may result in a paid assignment. My 2 cents.

Tony Cella

Thank you for the suggestion as always Linda-Ann.

LindaAnn Loschiavo

In your corner, Tony, and applauding your successes!

Donny Broussard

I would say that you should make something that is yours. Meaning shoot and direct a video yourself. Using existing footage won't get you in the door. You'll need to prove that you can manage a crew, have your own vision, and can execute that vision. My advice would be to find a young band without a record deal and shoot a music video for them. Good luck!

Karen Loriana

Good idea Donny!

Samuel Estes

Find an up-and-coming band that you like (check sound cloud, etc) and reach out saying that you'd like to do a music video with them. That'd be the first step to start learning. On a side note: have you ever looked at being a Music Editor? They are the guys that edit music to the picture, develop a "temp" for the composer to write to. They often have a lot of creative input too. (Just a thought)

Tony Cella

Good ideas. Thanks guys.

Amanda Toney

Hey Tony, we're having a webinar on this exact topic in March so keep your eyes out for that!

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