Acting : Casting Scams, and Fake Directors. Beware!!!!! by Talia Price

Talia Price

Casting Scams, and Fake Directors. Beware!!!!!

About 2 weeks ago I was contacted by some director named "Mario". He kept calling me wanting me to send him my headshots and what not. I sent him my photos, CV, profile, video link, everything.I thought this guy was a legitimate director. He sent me the script for this TV series that it supposed to be filmed in Germany and in Belgium. We talked via Skype and then he called me early one morning saying that he had to see me as soon as possible. And that he "needed" me to fly to Brussels to meet him. He wanted me for the lead in this TV series. So I got all the money I could and I even borrowed money from friends and flew to Brussels the next day. Come to find out that this guy was not a real director. We had a "casting" in a hotel, and he wanted me to do all these things that I felt were very inappropriate. I had no real time for myself, I didn't eat anything and by the end of the day all he wanted was to get me drunk and take advantage of me. He had to give him money for the makeup artist and the video casting, all of this I felt was a bit weird. He had no business card, no studio, his email address is fake. The only thing I have of his is his mobile number and I think that is fake because every time I have tried to call it, it goes straight to voicemail. And while I was in Brussels, he called me from a private number. He said that he would reimburse me for my flight ticket and what not, however I have yet to receive this payment. Because of my stupidity and my naivety, I am now financially in the hole, and I feel used and almost violated. This guy did not do anything physical to me but I still feel violated. I just want people to know that there are scam artists out there and they will take advantage of you no matter what so be careful. Anyone who has an interest in casting me or working with me in the future will have to give me their credentials first then speak to my manager, because I will no longer take the risk of trusting a "director" with "a lead role for me" and had to see me as soon as possible. ever again. Has anyone else ever experience something like this?

Junior Fletcher

wow that's scary...glad you weren't harmed. Be careful out there.

Donny Broussard

I'm glad you're ok and home safe. From now on get contracts ahead of time, and run them by an entertainment lawyer or past your agent. There are many people like this fake director out there.

Walter Andrew Carmona

Never, never spend money to get a part. legit people who want you in their production will foot the bill. Don't pay...get paid. Glad ur okay. Lesson learned my dear.

Talia Price

Thank you for the comments. When I got back home. I was beating myself thinking why was I so stupid. Why did I believe all that BS? I wonder how many people have been scammed like I have. I believe that I am a much wiser person because of all of this. But I should stop being hard on myself because of this mistake. It cost me money, but not my life or my healthy.

Ranima Khanom

don't ever believe you are stupid just a lesson learnt now you will do things differently and in a bigger and better way :)

Rosa Lafantastica

You said you borrowed money from "friends". I don't understand how multiple people were duped into this. How many friends gave you money? What did you tell them to get money?

Jason ‘Champion Soul’ Freeman

I can truly see the honest effort from you, wanting to make the leap of faith. Be thankful your alive. When ladies leave most times they don't come back. Amazing story of you attempt to be successful. You need people in your corner that watch your back all the time. This is a cut throat world we live in, keep that in mind all the time

Talia Price

@Ardua de Potomac. I borrowed money from two of my friends. One of my friends bought me the plane ticket, and they on there one gave me some cash for the airport transfer. I was the one who was duped and I asked them thinking it was a real casting and that I would pay them back. Which I will along with paying for everything else.

Rosa Lafantastica

Well, a model recently published that she put herself $30,000 in debt trying to launch her modeling career. It's a jungle out there.

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