Introduce Yourself : Image maker discovering Stage 32 by Tom Vantorre

Tom Vantorre

Image maker discovering Stage 32

Hi, I'm new here and hope to get some interesting times on the site. I'm a cinematographer and photographer always looking for the picture. I like to combine what's good from the past with the best things of today and maybe tomorrow. Hope to get in touch with other people with a same passion for images.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

It's fantastic to have you here Tom, welcome to the community. When did your passion for photography and cinematography begin? Who are some of your favorite influences?

Eric Pagan

Greetings Tom!

Tom Vantorre

you can find some examples of my latest work on my website:

Adrian Kjönsberg

I´m looking to become a cinematographer, I spend hours every day learning and understanding even single images. Could you share experienced thoughts on composition. I am young but I´ve always had a deep appreciation of images.

Tom Vantorre

Hi Adrian Kjönsberg, I've been in the same position as you are now. I sure want to help you and explain some things. Maybe you can be a bit more precise, for example, show me a picture or choose one of my pictures and we can talk about it. I do like to share my knowledge and experience.

Adrian Kjönsberg

I´ve sent you a message on this sight.

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