Producer Xiaoyun Luo found me on Stage 32 and hired me to write her first feature "When The Last Sakura Petal Falls." A love story set in Japan. It has been a joy to work with her and have the opportunity to research the subtle cultural elements that make her story so interesting. As a Producer, she gave me clear guides for her plot line and the flexibility to flesh out her treatment. An intense three weeks of working with such a generous Producer has resulted in a collaboration I am very proud to have written. Stage 32 is a marvel. You manage to bring the best people to the table and open doors to filmmakers of every level. Another thumbs up from another very Happy Writer! Thank you, Talece.
Great working experience from Producer to Project! :)
Congratulations, Talece, fantastic news!
Talece, congratulations on your success and on having participated in this awesome experience. Wishing you more of the same!
Awesome. Congrats Talece.
Sounds a dream Tal. Well done. Tom
Wonderful news, huge congrats Talece!
Congrats Tal, that's awesome!
Thank you all for so many nice comments. It really helps me find the spirit to keep the rewriting blues at bay. Writers are the best part of the industry and you inspire me to be better. :). Tal.