OMG! I finally got the news I've been waiting for the past five months! I've submitted to about half a dozen producers, and through their critiques, finally made it through to one requesting the screenplay! Now, biting my nails!!!
Funny story: our physician told me I should get my husband a night nurse (he was keeping me up at the time, with pain, which has since been resolved). I told her, "I can't afford it right now...I'll have to wait until I sell my scripts." The doctor opened her eyes wide in horror and replied, "Oh, Becky! Don't tell your doctor you're going to sell your scrips!" I hastily explained, "Scripts, not scrips" & we both busted up laughing.
Congratulations! but that is only the beginning. If that 1 producer wants your work then what does that mean? * Does it give you enough money to put your 2 kids thru college? (I doubt so) * Will it open enough doors to make it easy for you to achieve a living from future projects? I am not sure, but if even big name writers need to fight to stay relevant and many of them do not, then put your ego aside and ask yourself. Even in the best case scenario. My movie script earns me: XYZ dollars which takes of 123 problems and leaves in me ABC state of life where I was in CDE state of life before. Bottom line: Assume you win and then think about what's next ..
Thank you, Everybody! No word yet, but still hopeful. If no word soon, I'll try another producer. Anyone know how long it takes to hear once your script is requested???
Dr. Becky. I am still waiting for my results. It's has been a little over Two months, these producers are really busy. So I am going to just hold tight and wait. In the mean time I am working on my 3rd installment, this way I will have a even bigger project to offer.
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That's all we need is ONE PERSON to say YES. Congrats Dr. B. I'm sure there'll be more.
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Congratulations, Becky, your persistence paid off!
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Congrats to you, yay!
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What a wonderful feeling, enjoy it and good luck.
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Fantastic job!
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Great news, Doc! Don't eat your nails! That will hurt when it's time to write!
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best of luck. Being tenacious truly pays off!
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Funny story: our physician told me I should get my husband a night nurse (he was keeping me up at the time, with pain, which has since been resolved). I told her, "I can't afford it right now...I'll have to wait until I sell my scripts." The doctor opened her eyes wide in horror and replied, "Oh, Becky! Don't tell your doctor you're going to sell your scrips!" I hastily explained, "Scripts, not scrips" & we both busted up laughing.
Lol! Congrats to the request :)
It only means work until it gets right. Congrats.
Wonderful, many, many congratulations. I hope it works out wellforyou.
Congrats! Good luck!
Sounds great. Good luck. No scrips, just scripts!
Congrats and good luck!!
Tye whatever you produce will be awesome.,i hope all your crews come together for yoyr successful film or projects....
Wonderful news. Hope the door opens for you. xx
Good luck! I offer you all my support!
Your foot's in the door now. Huge step-up! Best wishes Becks.
Best of luck!
Great job.
Congrats on staying committed.
Congratulations! but that is only the beginning. If that 1 producer wants your work then what does that mean? * Does it give you enough money to put your 2 kids thru college? (I doubt so) * Will it open enough doors to make it easy for you to achieve a living from future projects? I am not sure, but if even big name writers need to fight to stay relevant and many of them do not, then put your ego aside and ask yourself. Even in the best case scenario. My movie script earns me: XYZ dollars which takes of 123 problems and leaves in me ABC state of life where I was in CDE state of life before. Bottom line: Assume you win and then think about what's next ..
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Continue to shine!!!!
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Awesome!!! Congratulations, wonderful job....
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Congrats! Sell it! Aloha Doris in Hawaii
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I love success stories... every step counts.
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Sweet! Becky, I'll keep my fingers crossed. You'll go far!
Love that you used the constructive criticism to move your screenplay forward to the point where you have now been requested, Becky. Well deserved.
Thank you, Everybody! No word yet, but still hopeful. If no word soon, I'll try another producer. Anyone know how long it takes to hear once your script is requested???
Dr. Becky. I am still waiting for my results. It's has been a little over Two months, these producers are really busy. So I am going to just hold tight and wait. In the mean time I am working on my 3rd installment, this way I will have a even bigger project to offer.