Introduce Yourself : So great to be here! by Jodi Krangle

Jodi Krangle

So great to be here!

I already sort of did this when I first got here, but happy to do it again and add a few things. :) First off, I'm a professional voice actor and singer from just north of Toronto Canada. It looks like a lot of the folks around here are filmmakers and centered around films - which is great. I've done some narration for documentaries and would love to do more. I've also narrated TV shows for both HGTV in the US and Slice in Canada. And I even have a movie trailer demo ( ). I'm working on a new TV Promo demo as we speak. I'm also working on a jazz/blues/easy-listening album with a fantastically awesome musician friend of mine in the UK named Chris Conway ( Don't you just love technology? It makes SO many things possible! :D For some of my singing demos, you're welcome to check out . My voice has been described as a kind of cross between Karen Carpenter and Sarah Vaughan. ;) (Yeah - so no raunchy rock for me, I'm afraid ... but I do LOVE me some jazz/blues!). I'd love to get to know you guys! And if I can help you in any projects you're working on, feel free to let me know. In the meantime, I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Shawn Speake

Welcome again, Jodi! I reintroduce myself from time to time as well! Great to see your profile pic again! Happy Friday!

Jodi Krangle

Thanks, Shawn! Happy Friday to you too! :D (Love those cool shades. ;) )

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