Introduce Yourself : Howdy by Jack Wibbe

Jack Wibbe


Well, your spam guideline link doesn't work....I’m trying to peddle eight scripts, all very well-written, all featuring strong female leads, all cheap to put on. Topics range from domestic violence to the Holocaust to LGBT life in the 1920s. Early drafts for them at . ...Nope, the lounge guideline link doesn't work either.

Jack Wibbe

FIrst, because I try to avoid something that's been done already -- today's filmmaking is repetitive enough as it is. So, no murder mysteries, no bodice-ripping romances, and...avoid stories with male leads. Haven't all those male-driven stories been written already? Whereas there are tons of women's stories ready to be told. Second, I run two gigantic networks for survivors of domestic violence, so I spend every night listening to women and their stories. So anyway, my stories, greatly truncating, are: Nellie Bly, the out-of-control daredevil reporter whole travelled around the world in the 1880s; a preacher's daughter whose life is changed when a crowd of gays and lesbians invades her town in the 1920s; a survivor of domestic violence who starts an underground railroad for abused women while her own husband is hunting her; a WWII nurse who ends up trying to treat hundreds of young Holocaust orphans who all have PTSD; a female Revolutionary War spy who wants to avenge her dead friend; a widow lady who builds the elopement capital of the East Coast in the 1930s; a teenage girl who takes to the streets of New York to prove her uncle is innocent in a shooting; and three actresses who build a Shakespearean theater group. Tell your friends -- writing female leads is fun! If you're really interested in any of these stories, then early drafts for all eight are on . I still don't know whether any of this counts as spam, but there it is anyway.

Jack Wibbe

And howdy Kathryn! Any idea how to lasso an agent to peddle a script, or better yet a producer?

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