Introduce Yourself : Whenever I see the word "title" I am tempted to put on a snooty look click my heels and introduce myself as "Prince Snootinholz the Third of Upper Slobovia. But you can call me Andy. by Tibor Tibi Andris Halmai (Andy Halmay)

Tibor Tibi Andris Halmai (Andy Halmay)

Whenever I see the word "title" I am tempted to put on a snooty look click my heels and introduce myself as "Prince Snootinholz the Third of Upper Slobovia. But you can call me Andy.

What's on my mind???? Well, 22 films in development with six completed screenplays, all of them getting what I call Musical Product Placement involving a new musical entity - band or solo act - plus half a dozen TV programs I should be pitching - that's what should be on my mind but right now, this frosty Sunday morning what's on my mind is a palm-fringed sandy beach in Central America where I want to establish the Crusoe Co-Op Let's Go Native Club.... a little bit of heaven on earth with access only by sea, surrounded by natural jungle, inhabited by other Crusoe dreamers, congenial folks with wit and kindness and fun. There will be more on all this online that one could access through Google. Ciao, Muchachos.

Richard "RB" Botto

Sounds like you're slacking off, Tibor! Kidding, of course. 22 films, 6 screenplays...Pretty amazing, my friend. Terrific to have you and all your experience here on 32!

Tibor Tibi Andris Halmai (Andy Halmay)

Yup, with the Oscars on tonight it's time to slack off. Just tried to upload 4 of the screenplays on InkTip. They have an efficient online system. It took my credit card payment without any problem and then, before I could even list the screenplays by title, never mind uploading the actual scripts, the system told me there was a problem in my logging in and it shut its doors. I wrote to them but don't expect an answer until Monday what with the Oscars and all. I'll give'em until 10 a.m. Pacific time on Monday to respond failing which I'll just have American Express block the payment. Here comes my annual Oscar exercise - watching awards given out on films I have yet to see. And there is no excuse this year because most of them have already had a few weeks in theaters. I just didn't get around to it. Happy Oscaring, all!

Kris Kyro

Hello Prince Snootinholz the Third...hahaha LOVE that!

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