I want to say hello to everyone and introduce myself. It's nice to be able to do that isn't it? Introduce yourself to a whole network of people in the same field. 99% of you are likely a lot more content with your positions than I am with mine, but I'm sure a few of you guys are just like me. Hungry and working hard trying to get further in this creative career. Yeah so I'm Henry Thompson, with my adopted brothers Wayne and James Thompson I am one third of Eze as Pi Productions. An independent film company in the North East of England. We've been trying to get this thing off the ground for years and I believe we are starting to make traction - finally - which is good! Nothing beats hard work - except connections. Also good. Very good! And money. money is also good! Like most low budget folks I taught myself anything I needed to know to get a shoot done. So writing, producing, editing, fight choreography, photography, directing, casting, visual effects, compositing, color grading, web design, concept art, music, etc. Anything and everything just about and if there is anyone I can help with anything I'd be delighted to - and anyone who'd like to help me be better by sharing your insight and expanding my horizons, even better again! I'm hoping to be quite active on this Stage 32 site - but I keep myself pretty busy with a 9 to 5 as well as obviously trying to keep this thing floating with my brothers. And of course I love hearing from new people so feel free to add me, or like me or anything of this nature as the bigger network I can amass the better the I'll feel about myself haha. Also please check out http://www.ezeaspi.com for more information about us. The feature film we're trying to finish up the post production on: http://www.mistakeshauntyou.com And the feature film we're desperately trying to get off the ground: http://www.wearetooyoungtodie.com Thank you for reading and I hope to hear from you all. P.S. Minor facts for getting to know you/me. 1. I was raised American but I am British born. In our team I am the American one, Wayne the British one and Jimmy the Bermudian one! 2. My favorite movie of all time is FIGHT CLUB. 3. I was inspired on my 6th birthday to start writing and make movies when I got taken to see WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT on its opening day. 4. Imdb says my trademark is "Downbeat endings" but I like to think one day that will read: "Always features a pie fight" 5. I once had an awkward star struck moment when I met Samuel L. Jackson in a men's room in Las Vegas and he played it off real cool despite me staring at his... Yeah. - Hank.
Gracias Kathryn. Nice to be here!