Hello, Sorry I'm late. I've been really busy this weekend. I'm Frances Emerson. I'm from upstate New York, I live near Geneva in a small town of Waterloo, NY. I am in the heart of the Finger Lakes. Several actors and actresses and musicians hail from this neck of the woods. I have been working on several screenplays and taking online writing courses, the latest from UCLA online extension. I rewrote my screenplay comedy Hash House and put it in the Stage 32 contest. I also wrote a spec script for Big Bang Theory and have started a second. I am also in the middle of a major historic screen play about The Great Steamboat Race. And I have started working on another screenplay set in ancient times. Right now I have to also work. I work as a substitute teacher and part time Evening Administrator for our local community college here. I"m hoping I can hook up with some other local talents and learn more about the movie biz. Right now I'm waiting for the Oscars to start, watching the Red Carpet Live on E! Nice to meet you all and be a part of your community.