Greetings all! I'm fairly new to Stage 32 and happy to be here with you! Originally from Milwaukee, I'm an actress, writer and producer living in Los Angeles. My team and I are completing our first feature, "The Scarapist," and submitting to festivals. We're working with our sales agent for all territories. I am also polishing a new screenplay, which I'll start pitching soon. I hope you enjoy a year of great success, joy and health!
Thanks Boomer! :-D
Thank you so much Eboni and Kathryn! Great to meet you ;-)
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Hello Jeanne!
Awesome, Kathryn! Thanks for that :-D
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Hi Eric :-D
Excellent! You're a good-deed do-er ;-)
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Welcome, Jeanne.
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Welcome :o)
Thanks Shawn and Linda! Very much appreciated :-)
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Welcome to Stage 32, Jeanne! I hope your year is great as well!
Thank you Andre!
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Welcome Jeanne!
Thanks Chuck, thanks for the connect, too! :)