Filmmaking / Directing : Feature by Jeff Townsend

Jeff Townsend


Oscar season always inspires me....I finished my screenplay today (don't tell my boss), and then made the decision that I'm goign to shoot it myself. I already have it frame-by-frame what I want it to look like, so why not? Of course, I couldn't make things easy on myself and do a short.... nope, straight to a feature. Anyway, I would really like to connect with others that have gone through the process and can offer some advice (and "Don't Do it" is not in the cards :). I appreciate this site as a great tool for networking and finding out how to get a film made. Always My Best, Jeff Townsend

Rafael Pinero

Hi Jeff, do you have financing already? Or is this a no-budget feature?

Jeff Townsend

It would be ultra low budget. Mostly financed through me, friends and relatives (hopefully). But I would be opened to talking about.

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