Introduce Yourself : Hi All, Names Rich Parrish, Concerning 1,000s of new creatives just signing on - by Rich Parrish

Rich Parrish

Hi All, Names Rich Parrish, Concerning 1,000s of new creatives just signing on -

GOOD LUCK to you and to all the others still in the Hunt. Just in case you may ever have a project you need me for, contact me anytime. Gypsytuskdreams@Gmail. Com

James Patrick Brown

Do you have links to your work?

Rich Parrish

Been in Til Death, Big RED, Midgets vs Mascots, El Guitarist, Assisted produced Insignificant Other, and assisted casting in I am Gabriel, Been trying to get a reel together with some other actors, but they seem to be lacking with the energy to Just do it. BUT came across a Actors group who are as ambitious as I and should have something REEL Soon. thanks for asking, May the force be with you always, not to mention ME. RICH

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