I'm seeing greater variety in animation these days -- but I wonder if anyone has ever set out to make an animated film which looks as though an Impressionist painter had painted every frame, or which looks like illustrations in old storybooks come to life, or like watercolor paintings come to life . . . maybe I'm not taking into account how much work something like that would entail . . .
Hey Judy, Yes the below short film was achieved with similar style. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QAI4B_2Mfc You can watch the making in below video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZJLtujW6FY
That was interesting, although the video conked out after a minute of the first one, and the audio dropped out, for me, during the second.
Oh Thats strange. You can try downloading it.
There are other people under the youtube post of the film saying they only got to watch a minute. It may just reflect the system I have.
yeah its the issue with player.You can try watching it in different browser.
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Perhaps you were looking for something like this.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYBtMLeN9kU
Hi, Judy. We have a film in development that explores all styles of art via animation: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/291846368/art-story Also, Lilo and Stitch is a great example of use of watercolor for the world, character wise -- it's actually more difficult but with some of the technology being experimented with in things like Disney's short -- PAPERMAN and Glen Keane's DUET, https://www.stage32.com/lounge/animation/Proof-2D-is-still-magical I am sure that soon we will see a feature that LOOKS like it was done by hand in one of these traditional styles -- but actually done digitally.
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Wow. Thanks, Prakash, Daniel and Laurie! Those are all interesting projects. The scary one Daniel posted -- it looks worthy of the endorsement from Gillermo Del Toro. And I'm glad the one Laurie posted got its funding through kickstarter. So many animated films look kind of similar -- it's good to see people exploring these different things.