Success Stories: MAR'1 Requested


Just wanted to say my script was requested. 2nd request this month- well last month. 2 in Feb anyway. Couldn't be easier, and Joey couldn't be nicer. To anyone who pitched and didn't get requested, don't assume it is you or your pitch. I sent the same pitch to 3 companies and only one requested

Eric Westlake

Great job, Jeff. And you are so right about not taking rejection personally. You just have keep charging onward. As long as the steps forward are greater then the one back, you'll make it.

Jeff Rosenberg

Thank you. Exactly, a step forward (no matter how big or small) is good

Jeff Rosenberg

Thank you, I really appreciate that

Jeff Rosenberg

Thanks- from your lips to God's ear

Stephen Czick

Great news about the multiple requests. Good luck!

Jeff Rosenberg

Thanks, appreciate it

Emma J Steele

Congratulations, Jeff, fantastic! And so true about about the passes, if they don't request, it's because it's not the right fit, not because it's no good! Good luck with the requests!

Jeff Rosenberg

Thank you

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