Introduce Yourself : Hello from a new stuntman! by Zachary Miller

Zachary Miller

Hello from a new stuntman!

Hello all! I am new to the TV/Film stunt business. I have been doing live stunts for 9 years and am ready to move on to bigger and better things! I live in Orlando, FL. Always open to advice. Looking forward to networking! Zach

Jess Durham

Hey Zachary. Thanks for reaching out! Always good to meet someone in the business. Live shows are my life right now as well, loving every second of it, however I am also planning a move out to LA after this next contract to delve deeper in to stunts and acting for film, so I know the boat you are rowing right now buddy. Best of luck to you, feel free to stay in contact!!

William G Chandler Jr

Welcome Zachary

Zachary Miller

Thank you, Kathryn, Jess, & William! Best of luck, Jess! You are absolutely right. We are in the same boat!!

Fredrik Blom

Nice to have You here Zachary! Hope You find the site useful - it can be if You work it the right way :) Hopefully the more stunties we are on here, the more likely it is that we eventually get a stunt section...

Zachary Miller

Hi Fredrik! Looking forwad to learning how to use the site. Any advice would definitely be helpful! Thanks for the welcome!

Zachary Miller

In it to win it.. definitely ready to take some risks! :)

Fredrik Blom

My best advice is to try and hook up with stunt coordinators, in any way You can. To get advice, to get training and to get the chance to show your abilities... I know these are kind of basic advice but IMHO still important to re-iterate :)

Zachary Miller

Thank you, Fredrik! Any advice is great at this stage in the game. I understand what you mean here...get in front of coordinators no matter what!

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