Screenwriting : How blend 2 ideas from 2 person and came up into one idea? (Producer meet with scriptwriter) by Samuel Kyle

Samuel Kyle

How blend 2 ideas from 2 person and came up into one idea? (Producer meet with scriptwriter)

Hello!! I just wandering, if theres a producer who want to make a film, let say he have a master of idea, like he already have a some few lines scenario and story plot. Then he looking for scriptwriter to develop all of the whole idea and concept into one script, what should producer need to provide so that they can do and finish the script like what producer have in their mind?

Jean-Pierre Chapoteau

I'm assuming you're the producer, so Just provide an outline of the story you want to tell via email, and when you two exchange enough info that you're confident you have a good story, provide a check to that writer, and they'll start writing.

Samuel Kyle

Jane Hathaway : Hi Jane, thank you for you reply, yup, i totally agree with all your suggestion and input. Noted for that! Now everything look make sense for my point of view, but what make me still concern is, how to put conversation if the producer also dont have any idea about conv section. Do we need to trust the script writter and let all the story flow out from their creativity then after that we can do some revision? Cheers!

Shaun O'Banion

"Producers aren't creatives"? I beg to differ. I'm glad she clarified further down with, "some producers are creative of course," because the first statement is absurd. While I certainly handle business aspects, I have been involved in the development of each of my three films - from script consults/re-writes, to casting, to standing on set at the monitors and making (whispered) suggestions to my director during the shoot. There is not a single thing on screen in any of my films (from the color of the walls to the type of car a character drives) that I haven't had a creative conversation about... and while some of those conversations come down to fiscal consideration, my position is ALWAYS one of serving the story in the best way possible based on the parameters of the budget. What I WILL agree with is that, at least in the early drafts, the producer should not restrict the creativity of the writer.

Samuel Kyle

Shaun : if you suggest (whisper) to director for anything that involved in creative, who is in charge into creative decision if there some case both of you have creative differentiation? I mean who get the most decision maker for this case? Sorry for my bad english :(

Shaun O'Banion

Samuel - It is the director's vision. It is often said that producing is the only job in which you hire your own boss... and while the collaboration still exists, you must ultimately hand the keys to the director and let him or her run with it. In one instance, I had a thought about a scene after we had moved on from coverage. The company was breaking down the set-up to move to another interior... I spoke with the director and 1st AD and the director agreed we should try one more. Though the AD wasn't thrilled that I'd waited for us to break the previous shot, the crew worked quickly and re-set the camera and lighting while the director communicated the note to the two actors in the scene. We tried the scene again, and I'm proud to say that my suggestion (based on something personal that happened with my father) is in the film and that the scene, in particular, was singled out by audiences all along the festival circuit as one of the most emotional in the film. I have made many, many suggestions over the course of my projects. Some are used and some aren't. In terms of that, the greatest thing about digital is that an extra take costs nothing but time. You're not burning film anymore, so trying "one more" to see if a suggestion works is relatively simple. A strong director knows that he or she doesn't have to use every note, but is confident and collaborative enough to at least hear them out and take a moment to process them. After all, if something works, the director will get all the credit in the end.

Samuel Kyle

Thanks for sharing shaun, it such a great inspiration :)

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